Racket search1322 results found.
- JOOLA Rossi Jr( Number of reviews:1 )
"There is no suitable blade for beginners, couldn't you develop one?" This is one of the inqu...
- Overall:6.00
- Speed:5.00
- Spin:5.00
- Control:7.00
It is natural, but I feel as a smaller look-alike ...
- Yola Amber Lloyd low (inverted)( Number of reviews:1 )
In the Amber Lloyd series, adopted the plywood of Amber Lloyd low with an emphasis on the most co...
- Overall:6.00
- Speed:5.00
- Spin:5.00
- Control:9.00
It wins if return many, even one I Table Tennis. I...
- JOOLA Toni Hold White Spot( Number of reviews:2 )
This defensive blade - for years manufactured without any changes - provides total control throug...
- Overall:7.00
- Speed:5.50
- Spin:5.00
- Control:6.50
The racket size is a little small and the weight i...
- JOOLA MC1( Number of reviews:1 )
The MC 1 is an absolute JOOLA innovation. With a weight of only 80g this blade has been developed...
- Overall:6.00
- Speed:8.00
- Spin:6.00
- Control:5.00
Because racket bouncing in lightweight I have thou...
- JOOLA Chen Defender( Number of reviews:1 )
For some time, the Chen Weixing Defensive blade has been one of the most popular defensive blades...
- Overall:6.00
- Speed:6.00
- Spin:6.00
- Control:7.00
Chen Way is Shin players of such thought that I wo...
- JOOLA Chen Weixing( Number of reviews:4 )
High quality defensive blades have always been a strength of JOOLA. Now in conjunction with Chen ...
- Overall:8.25
- Speed:6.25
- Spin:7.00
- Control:8.50
For those who want to play, such as Cheng Shin way...
- JOOLA ROSSKOPF EMOTION( Number of reviews:2 )
THE ORIGINAL ROSSI BLADE! Developed and used by Germany's Mr. Tabletennis, Joerg Rosskopf. On...
- Overall:7.50
- Speed:7.50
- Spin:7.50
- Control:8.00
The point of concern is that the grip is thick. I ...
- JOOLA VIVA( Number of reviews:3 )
Remake of the legendary Rossi Viva blade. Excellently balanced and constructed with 7 layers for ...
- Overall:7.67
- Speed:6.67
- Spin:7.33
- Control:8.33
It is a feeling that a good seven of control. In p...
- IV-L LIGHT CONTACT( Number of reviews:1 )
This TIBHAR allround classic presents itself as an ALL/OFF blade due to the applied ‘Contact ligh...
- Overall:6.00
- Speed:5.00
- Spin:5.00
- Control:8.00
I think everyone is is four surprised smile surpri...
- IV-L BALSA( Number of reviews:2 )
TIBHAR has made a superior Allround blade of the newest generation. This blade has principally be...
- Overall:7.50
- Speed:7.00
- Spin:7.50
- Control:8.00
It is ultra-light. I think that be hard to use hon...