Control ranking893 rubbers was found.
- HURRICANE PRO Ⅲ TURBO ORANGE( Number of review:116 )
- All:8.90
- Speed:7.96
- Spin:9.41
- Control:8.01
Became a plastic ball, the amount of rotation decl...
- ORIGINAL EXTRA( Number of review:44 )
- All:6.14
- Speed:4.57
- Spin:5.61
- Control:8.00
It is very easy to use if beginners, and get out o...
- DNA PRO H( Number of review:28 )
- All:9.00
- Speed:8.93
- Spin:9.07
- Control:8.00
Used for back. As the other reviewers said, it was...
- VEGA DEF( Number of review:17 )
- All:8.76
- Speed:7.94
- Spin:9.41
- Control:8.00
hard. It is not good enough to say that there are ...
- Raystorm( Number of review:16 )
Softer pimples give more spin but are often not fast enough.This has been overcome via High Tensi...
- All:7.94
- Speed:7.31
- Spin:7.50
- Control:8.00
It does not slip at all. Table and takes spin unbe...
- Super Spinpips 21( Number of review:14 )
Super Spinpips-21 has the same unique top sheet as the Super Spinpips, but is combined with the m...
- All:7.64
- Speed:6.21
- Spin:7.21
- Control:8.00
Man can do anything. On the table from the smash, ...
- AIROC S( Number of review:11 )
-The adoption of the poly ball changes the game for many seasoned all-around players.- STIGA Airo...
- All:7.45
- Speed:6.36
- Spin:7.64
- Control:8.00
Sheet was felt in much intermediate hardness as a ...
- Curl P2( Number of review:9 )
TSP Curl P2 is now back in our collection since many European top players favoured this unique lo...
- All:8.22
- Speed:6.33
- Spin:5.67
- Control:8.00
It could be used for both attack and cut Stable pu...
- Coppa X2( Number of review:9 )
This new COPPA X2 offers a good balance between attacking and agressive allround table tennis.Whe...
- All:7.78
- Speed:7.22
- Spin:7.33
- Control:8.00
It is a rubber that is easy to use with high total...
- Al feel( Number of review:8 )
Was realized the excellent control and durability, it is a rubber recommended for beginners and f...
- All:4.50
- Speed:3.75
- Spin:3.88
- Control:8.00
Both sides and inside are used for Sanarion S. The...