's profile

Gender | Male |
Experience | 6〜10 years |
User review
You Pokopoko will strike the minute you become is often heavy drive. FL is also recommended in the smaller of the hand because the grip is slim.
Overall Speed Spin Control Touch
Anyway stable rotation is applied well. Recommended for people too much sound it's wood.
Overall Speed Spin Control Touch
Play because they paulownia is used is good. Initially it will fly before placing a rotation but is okay if you get used to it. Since the racket does not choose the rubber is recommended.
Overall Speed Spin Control Touch
Tena Gee series is the speed and amount of rotation that does not take the sink in. But accustomed to stabilize on the momentum is too good is required.
Overall Speed Spin Control
It takes good rotation speed also comes out well. It is an excellent racket and the hand because the sense to grab the ball is also a strong sense of stability.
Overall Speed Spin Control Touch
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