Pepsiman's profile

Pepsiman's profile
Gender Male
Age U10
Experience 6〜10 years
  • Use racket, rubber

    1. Def play Senzo

      Def play Senzo

      Truly awesome blade for the modern and versatile defensive player! The worlds most successful ven...
    2. Fastarc G-1
      Rubber (Front)

      Fastarc G-1

      Most players are looking for that rubber that fits them just right. Nittaku has introduced the Fa...
    3. ILIUS S
      Rubber (Back)

      ILIUS S

User review


    User review

    Cutman history 7 years, thickness is Gokuusu
    The curl series didn't suit me, and I've been using Feint Long III for 4 years, so I tried it because it's a new butterfly grain.
    When I first tried it, the sponge was hard, and I was disappointed that it was a rubber with a long II base and a narrow tolerance even if the maximum amount of rotation was great, but when I cut it, the cut fits on the table for some reason. If you shake the racket, it will enter firmly. However, if you shake it slowly, the sponge will fly hard. It was a very strange feeling. The sharp side-spin sink Tsuttsuki is easy to do anyway! Tsuttsuki is okay if you can beat the grain and cut it properly. Honestly, I don't recommend it to anyone who is doing it on a regular basis. A baseball that is only fast comes out. I would like to recommend it to those who have completed the cut mold to some extent rather than using it from the beginning for beginners. Also, I don't think this is suitable for people who rely on rubber to make changes. It is a rubber that I would like people who are quite confident as a cutman to try once. For the first 30 minutes, I felt very strange with an unprecedented feel. As I got used to it, I felt like I was using Tenergy for the first time.
    It's a pretty interesting rubber.

    See original review

    Hardness Little hard

    Recomend racket Def play Senzo

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