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User review


    User review

    30s, 3 years of table tennis experience
    Pendra used for foreground
    Andro Hexar grip on the back

    Last time I used yasaka Shoryu, so I reviewed the difference together with the Hexar Grip
    ・The amount of rotation is lower than Shoryu. I feel that it is not much different from Hexer Grip.
    ・ Control ◎ It feels like if you hit it with a racket. It is easy to do all the bench technology. Tsutsuki is especially easy to do.
    ・The grip was a Hexa grip, but there was no particular problem.
    ・Since the trajectory has a higher arc than the Hexar grip, downward rotation hitting and rallying are stable. I think that this arc creates a sense of stability.
    ・It seems that it is easy to block because it is a straightforward rotation.

    In the past, I made a lot of mistakes due to Shoryu's rampage or lack of technique, and I was completely focused on touch, so I couldn't aim for the course or length.
    Thanks to my racket and rubber, I have more leeway now, so I can be aware of the course, loop, speed drive, etc.

    It feels like it's automatic and it goes in on its own, so I'm glad I didn't use it in the first or second year.
    Recommended for those who are used to speed driving and scraping techniques and who like rallying and want to negotiate the course.

    See original review

    Hardness Little soft

    Recomend racket LIBERTA SOLID Pro

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