KIM Sol Song
- Age
- 30 years old
- World ranking
- Highest 154 (2018/8)
Main competition results
Rankings of the past year
Match results
2019 ITTF Challenge Plus Pyongyang Open
KIM Sol Song
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
KIM Song I
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
KIM Sol Song
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
RI Hyang
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
2018 World Tour Korean Open
KIM Sol Song
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
LEE Zion
Korea, Republic of
World ranking 90
KIM Sol Song
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
SUH Hyowon
Korea, Republic of
World ranking 21
KIM Sol Song
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
ZHU Chengzhu
Hong Kong
World ranking 57
Review Ranking
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