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Age U20
Experience 4〜5 years

User review

  • Flyatt Spin

    User review

    It is hard as a touch impression. Sheet also sponge even stiffer feel, beginners were first I thought Once the kana only fore and use. However the ball at all good in spite of stiff rubber also hit the drive rotate speed or too subtle in the foreground did not go out. Other fly at is also not the rotations, but the goodness of this rubber did not understand because there is also a correspondingly ease of use. Personally back of meat-based bang was just a good feeling, but was only it. I think that it is rubber that can be used even for beginners to think that it is better for cheaper high elasticity, I thought it was rubber all if he Toka Intermediate is not enough. By the way, the opposite had put a Ventasusupin. Here also you such performance is not high, but here is the rotation speed control was clearly superior. It may naturally be because the tension rubber, but whether there is no reason not to here as rubber to get the same spin and the name does not change even price.

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    Hardness Little hard

    Recomend racket KORBEL

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  • Mizutani Jun ZLC

    User review

    Although I often use a wood racket still special material is hitting sound usually, of the shot feel the difference There are fine. Here I feel especially stiff because it is not in the inner type. But it did not feel the drive difficult rotation is applied to the time or because they are designed to dilute. Just because the orbit of the drive felt like and clearly in a straight line when compared Corbel, the one and beginners who seek a sense of stability to the drive I think that it is not suitable too. Meat beating, including a block in the opposite felt fairly used as a decisive blow. At the same myself of is love really a place that does not felt ST Yet steadfast and as between the ST But grip aeration this corner is usually of ST and FL.

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    Recommend rubber(Front) Ventus Spin

    Recommend rubber(Back) Rakza 7 Soft

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  • V>01 Stiff

    User review

    It was mainly used in the foreground plane. Previously you to comparison because it was pitched Ventasusupin. First person of stiff is quite hard. At the same it is the drive is an image to fly on pretty much when it compared. This image exiting much grabbed the ball is delayed by one rubber may well a spin system tension but is close to Tenaji 05. But it was often more land in front of the back of the base to fly Nari to the mountain. I feel a tremendous grip force when you hit the drive caught, but it's light touch is not think much good. Such as Saab and poking did not feel even a tricky even with the spear easy to quite ordinary. Here I felt the frustration in his so a point was good of Ventas. I think that it is good rubber and mainly the drive multiplied by the rotation stable and it is use you want to put. Drive I think that can be used from good at beginners. Tenaji 05 will use without discomfort anyone who was using. It is the same, but the most surprised with this rubber is hitting sound. This when you hit the first drive was about I think was cracking ball. If the drive than Smash will feel like the sound comes out. I want fired had been using for those who focus on hitting sound

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  • Innerforce Layer ALC

    User review

    I say also been described in table tennis kingdom seems Kasumi Ishikawa players are using now. In the world table tennis and had been active in this racket, I had tried to buy because the fan. Butterfly of the racket, but there was a high image, I personally was able to pretty good buy in with the fact that you can buy at 10,000 yen first half. But absolutely no habit had been able to expect from before you buy, I feel that the universal racket. Maybe because although their individual was the total weight 182 g in 88 g not wide to the blade out there, I felt very pretend easy Sanuki than others of the same weight of the racket. Anyway, I think that it is not out complaints in this racket unless compelling seek speed. If the rubber is not bouncing I think that I also use for beginners to, I thought it was a racket that can recommend anyone that can be used much even if the progress as it is.

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    Hardness Little soft

    Recommend rubber(Front) Ventus Spin

    Recommend rubber(Back) V>01 Stiff

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  • User review

    It is of a natural different thing that's because of course the hardness of the sponge is different, but did not think different to here. Ventasusupin pretty rotation is likely to put even in the rubber that was used until now, drive, it was the rubber that fairly can feel at Saab. In addition, since it is to bite into easy, for I had also liked because that they can tightly control yourself, is Eindhoven task speed is hard to quite bite. Rotation in his power even quicker and the ball away from the drive I felt that has not been applied too much. But it was rubber called me fall freely to the table because it does not for some reason speed comes out. Yourself in the rubber can not do well is several times with users had but control than any that Tenaji, also, weight also might individual difference in the fact that 50 grams after the cut was that difficult to fairly treat.

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    Hardness Little hard
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