Chinese penholder411 results found.
- CARBONADO 245( Number of reviews:15 )
The new Carbonado 245 and Carbonado 290 blades are constructed with thicker TeXtreme® 200 gram pe...
- Overall:9.27
- Speed:9.47
- Spin:8.47
- Control:8.40
This racket is a racket feels like rotation is see...
- QUARTET AFC( Number of reviews:54 )
VICTAS Quartet AFC is a fast, high-quality offensive blade featuring excellent control thanks to ...
- Overall:9.26
- Speed:8.56
- Spin:8.89
- Control:8.94
We have changed from Timo Boll ALC. I was surprise...
- MK carbon( Number of reviews:4 )
- Overall:9.25
- Speed:9.00
- Spin:9.75
- Control:8.25
It looks like a material between ALC and ZLC calle...
- Innerforce LAYER ZLF - CS( Number of reviews:4 )
In most thin blade in China pen, that is newly designed for use wood and plywood structure, was a...
- Overall:9.25
- Speed:7.50
- Spin:8.75
- Control:8.50
I bought it because I wanted to shake the back sid...
- ICE CREAM AZX( Number of reviews:15 )
ZEPHYLIUM CARBON (ZLC) and ARYLATE CARBON (ALC), both with clear distinctive performance in one b...
- Overall:9.20
- Speed:9.33
- Spin:9.00
- Control:8.13
I am concerned about this racket I asked for impor...
- KOKI NIWA( Number of reviews:51 )
- Overall:9.18
- Speed:9.04
- Spin:8.31
- Control:8.29
Since the evaluation was good, buy to try I though...
- ICE CREAM AZX I( Number of reviews:17 )
ZEPHYLIUM CARBON (ZLC) and ARYLATE CARBON (ALC), both with clear distinctive performance in one b...
- Overall:9.18
- Speed:9.24
- Spin:8.76
- Control:8.94
Currently I am using Jupiter 2 on both sides of th...
- RUIBA( Number of reviews:6 )
- Overall:9.17
- Speed:8.50
- Spin:9.17
- Control:9.17
It has 5 pieces of wood plus 2 pieces of inner car...
- P500( Number of reviews:6 )
This P500 series blade is still the original version, the one that made Kong Ling Hui famous and ...
- Overall:9.17
- Speed:7.17
- Spin:9.17
- Control:9.17
I tried to mix both the grain and the back but the...
- CARBONADO 90( Number of reviews:6 )
The new Carbonado 45 and Carbonado 90 blades are constructed with thinner TeXtreme® 64 gram per m...
- Overall:9.17
- Speed:9.00
- Spin:8.83
- Control:8.83
When my birthday came, my relatives gave me money ...