's profile
Gender | Male |
Age | U10 |
Experience | 6〜10 years |
User review
Not a rubber can be very recommended. I impression was strong that it is easy-to-use rubber Speaking Renanosu does not have the ease of use is this Renanosuhado. If there is a strong impact of the same level as top players I think I pulled out the goodness of this rubber, but I think such players in the first place such a rubber is not used. It is a little different rubber and this side of the demand. Cheap because it is recommended for those who want to use the hard rubber!
Overall Speed Spin Control Hardness Little hard
Recomend racket Hadraw Shield
Evaluation of the people around is not very high, but I was loved. There is no use of shifted such as China rubber, can be used as tension rubber. So you might think Jan okay with tension but we are taking over the good of China rubber, cherry pick of well-speaking China rubber and tension rubber, that it has bad a place of bad speaking both rubber it is felt that the tension rubber that is laughs rotation takes of calm good momentum. It is very recommended to cut Man!
Overall Speed Spin Control Hardness Little hard
Recomend racket Hadraw Shield
In is a rubber tried smile always bought flow who bought orthodox Deluxe in play Tsubudaka is not used OX is so easy to use for containing the sponge, but I thought that Na better than I thought a look at using this time. You might especially thin is using, if in this rubber. I guess I feel that quietly changes taking the momentum of the glass and Desperado, but a sense of speed is nothing I think that pretty easy to use is in the OX. It is recommended for those who use the first grain high!
Overall Speed Spin Control Hardness Little hard
Recomend racket Def play Senzo
Is the rubber that fly at universal rubber has become easier to use. Previously gone too jump is when the poking and stop should be mentioned disadvantage is not fit to clean. Instead other technology has the advantage of anything good command without graduation! Stand I think that above systems can be also get used might be this person who is suddenly you are using a rubber harder (whether if a person is accustomed to softer rubber) rubber is there is quite tight. Beginner-friendly than Intermediate!
Overall Speed Spin Control Hardness Little soft
Recomend racket Hadraw Shield
Is a rubber that is specializing in the control performance. Basically it is not a rubber rotation spree consuming, when you swipe let bite You stable for us to demonstrate the momentum of about lose to modern tension rubber. The ball and the like of the kind of tie to put it for us fully into the image as, this kind of place is it different place from the modern tension rubber. If to you has become a recommended rubber continue to put the people and cut to keep going out stability-oriented!
Overall Speed Spin Control Hardness Little hard
Recomend racket Hadraw Shield
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