Pimples in608 rubbers was found.
- JOOLA SAMBA TECH( Number of review:4 )
The new Samba Tech is, like its preceding model Samba Plus, a high-end development „Made in Germa...
- All:8.25
- Speed:8.00
- Spin:8.75
- Control:8.75
It will take a rotation than I thought! Control ev...
- Ten'yumi 3( Number of review:4 )
- All:8.25
- Speed:7.25
- Spin:9.00
- Control:8.00
It is a rubber for the back It is not so hard and ...
- V>15 Limber( Number of review:49 )
The ultimate weapon for spin-oriented offensive players! V > 15 Limber is an elastic high-end off...
- All:8.24
- Speed:7.86
- Spin:7.88
- Control:8.37
Hardness has become a 40, but it is nice to say th...
- Vega Euro DF( Number of review:71 )
- Sponge Hardness 42.5 - Topsheet, Dynamic Friction applied DF = Dynamic Friction
- All:8.20
- Speed:6.68
- Spin:8.14
- Control:8.85
It is so soft that it is spinning egg. For the dri...
- NEO HURRICANE 2( Number of review:30 )
Hurricane NEO 2 with Neo sponge breaks the limits of water based glue. This rubber has the famous...
- All:8.20
- Speed:6.00
- Spin:9.27
- Control:7.10
Attention is necessary because this rubber fly qui...
- Acuda Blue P3( Number of review:5 )
Super soft, excellent control with satisfying sound.For all-round players, a pleasure to play wit...
- All:8.20
- Speed:6.60
- Spin:8.80
- Control:8.60
If there are people who complain about with respec...
- PLAXON 400( Number of review:23 )
PLAXON 400 for pure precision: higher control and laser-like ball placement! Constant ball speed ...
- All:8.17
- Speed:8.78
- Spin:6.70
- Control:8.09
First of all, it is recommended not to buy for tho...
- CALIBRA LT SOUND( Number of review:12 )
- Calibra LT Sound has a soft sponge suitable for all types of offensive play- Increased control ...
- All:8.17
- Speed:7.17
- Spin:7.17
- Control:8.75
First I was using in the back surface but will be ...
- Acuda Blue P1 Turbo( Number of review:6 )
A packet of strengthAn impressive result of the most modern technology. The Acuda Blue P1 Turbo o...
- All:8.17
- Speed:8.17
- Spin:9.33
- Control:8.50
Slightly compared to the Akudaburu p1 I feel the m...
- OMEGA IV PRO( Number of review:6 )
IMB generation for the modern close-to-table style Winning trajectory with extra-energized spin ...
- All:8.17
- Speed:7.67
- Spin:8.50
- Control:7.00
great!! It takes a turn, and the speed gets messed...