Spin ranking909 rubbers was found.
- OMEGA VII TOUR( Number of review:39 )
- All:9.33
- Speed:9.67
- Spin:9.21
- Control:8.64
This is a comparison between Tenergy05Hard and Dig...
- RHYZER 48( Number of review:10 )
Rhyzer 48 has a 48° sponge and is on the highest level of development when speaking of speed, cat...
- All:9.00
- Speed:9.30
- Spin:9.20
- Control:8.70
I used tenazi but changed this rubber. Then, rotat...
- DNA Hybrid XH( Number of review:5 )
- All:9.60
- Speed:9.00
- Spin:9.20
- Control:8.80
First of all, this DNA hybrid XH is the softest in...
- Royal Large( Number of review:5 )
Proud of the high speed performance and spin performance, top players specification rubber bandy ...
- All:9.60
- Speed:9.40
- Spin:9.20
- Control:9.00
I use the royal large black MAX for the front side...
- Evolution EL-P( Number of review:58 )
EVOLUTION EL-P is the most elastic rubber of the EVOLUTION rubber series. EL-P with its medium sp...
- All:9.22
- Speed:7.86
- Spin:9.19
- Control:8.81
When the combination of the Evo to the inner shiel...
- Rasant Powergrip( Number of review:48 )
• Use high-end, play high-end! Play more powerful in pinpointed manner without scatter-losses!• O...
- All:8.56
- Speed:8.13
- Spin:9.19
- Control:6.67
Although it is hard, it is an image that it fairly...
- Skyline 2 NEO( Number of review:11 )
A unique production process means Neo Sky Line 2 has gained the outstanding characteristics of a ...
- All:7.36
- Speed:6.00
- Spin:9.18
- Control:6.55
It is hard in the sky. But it is light for some re...
- NITTAKU HURRICANE 3( Number of review:11 )
- All:7.55
- Speed:5.27
- Spin:9.18
- Control:5.73
The adhesive strength is about the same as the bas...
- DNA Dragon power 57.5( Number of review:6 )
- All:9.17
- Speed:8.67
- Spin:9.17
- Control:7.33
It was too hard and fell off. The feeling of hitti...
- RASANTER C45( Number of review:14 )
- All:9.21
- Speed:7.93
- Spin:9.14
- Control:9.50
I used it by pasting it on both sides of Jun Mizut...