overall rankings1322 results found.
- ZX-GEAR FIBER( Number of reviews:12 )
- Overall:9.08
- Speed:7.75
- Spin:9.08
- Control:9.17
I thought it was a racket that spreads sweet spots...
- Acoustic Carbon( Number of reviews:56 )
Made with "String Instrument Technology" Carbon version of the famous Nittaku Acoustic. Made in J...
- Overall:9.07
- Speed:9.18
- Spin:8.52
- Control:8.27
First of all, it is to get used did not work too m...
- Forutiusu FT( Number of reviews:97 )
Seven plywood model having an excellent balance of offense and defense, such as fine play of regu...
- Overall:9.04
- Speed:8.77
- Spin:8.60
- Control:8.74
Although I was using Mizutani Hayabusi ZLC, since ...
- KOJI MATSUSHITA( Number of reviews:54 )
- Overall:9.00
- Speed:5.69
- Spin:8.15
- Control:8.93
Speaking of rackets for cutting, there is a tenden...
- TIMO BOLL CAF( Number of reviews:28 )
- Overall:9.00
- Speed:8.32
- Spin:8.68
- Control:9.32
As I switched from Chu Se Hyeok, you may be told, ...
- DYNA SEVEN( Number of reviews:14 )
- Overall:9.00
- Speed:8.07
- Spin:8.43
- Control:9.14
The Fortius FT that I used to date wanted a slight...
- Walnut Wood( Number of reviews:14 )
In moderate impetus and the comfort of the shot feeling transmitted to the hand, it can be used w...
- Overall:9.00
- Speed:7.71
- Spin:8.50
- Control:9.00
It's just like intensity. The top plate is stiff a...
- HURRICANE KING 3( Number of reviews:14 )
Used by Wang Liqin in the V.O.C-Free times, it Fiberglass-Carbon inside composition, producing gr...
- Overall:9.00
- Speed:8.93
- Spin:9.00
- Control:7.64
It is a racquet with carbon black inside. It's bla...
- Timo Boll ZLC( Number of reviews:14 )
The Timo Boll ZLC offers the traditional Carbon feel and power, but the flexibility of the ZL Fib...
- Overall:9.00
- Speed:8.71
- Spin:8.50
- Control:7.93
Junior saw borrowed because they know and love. Ti...
- ARCTIC WOOD( Number of reviews:11 )
Arctic Wood is what you get when you combine nature and science. A blade born in nature and craft...
- Overall:9.00
- Speed:8.45
- Spin:8.64
- Control:8.18
Friends Come on! So I bought it, but the more I un...