【Video】JEOUNG Youngsik・LEE Sangsu VS LAM Siu Hang・NG Pak Nam, 2018 World Tour Grand Finals quarter finals

2018 World Tour Grand Finals quarter finals Men's Doubles, Battle of JEOUNG Youngsik・LEE Sangsu and LAM Siu Hang・NG Pak Nam.(Match date 2018-12-13)
Video length: 2 minutes 53 seconds.

2018 World Tour Grand Finals

Men's Doubles  Quarter finals (2018-12-13)

JEOUNG Youngsik

Korea, Republic of


LEE Sangsu

Korea, Republic of
World ranking: 33


  • 11 - 7
  • 11 - 7
  • 11 - 3


LAM Siu Hang

Hong Kong
World ranking: 96


NG Pak Nam

Hong Kong
World ranking: 320


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