【Video】LEE Sangsu・JEON Jihee VS XU Xin・LIU Shiwen, 2019 World Table Tennis Championships quarter finals

2019 World Table Tennis Championships quarter finals Mixed Doubles, Battle of LEE Sangsu・JEON Jihee and XU Xin・LIU Shiwen.(Match date 2019-04-21)
Video length: 12 minutes 46 seconds.

2019 World Table Tennis Championships

Mixed Doubles  Quarter finals (2019-04-21)


  • 10 - 12
  • 9 - 11
  • 11 - 7
  • 11 - 9
  • 9 - 11
  • 11 - 5
  • 11 - 7


LEE Sangsu

Korea, Republic of
World ranking: 33


JEON Jihee

Korea, Republic of
World ranking: 14


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