【Video】JANG Woojin VS AN Jaehyun, 2019 World Table Tennis Championships quarter finals

2019 World Table Tennis Championships quarter finals Men's Singles, Battle of JANG Woojin and AN Jaehyun.(Match date 2019-04-21)
Video length: 14 minutes 1 seconds.

2019 World Table Tennis Championships

Men's Singles  Quarter finals (2019-04-21)

JANG Woojin

Korea, Republic of
World ranking: 13


  • 10 - 12
  • 12 - 10
  • 11 - 7
  • 3 - 11
  • 5 - 11
  • 11 - 8
  • 10 - 12


AN Jaehyun

Korea, Republic of
World ranking: 21


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